Commercial Cleaning

The Benefits of Having a Contract Cleaner for Your Medical Facility

Dust and dirt can harbour microorganisms and it is imperative that routine scheduled cleaning of all surfaces and equipment is carried out to reduce and minimise any dust and dirt in your facility. It is difficult for staff in a medical centre or laboratory setting to maintain the levels of cleanliness required for these environments, […]


Combatting the Spread of Infection at Childcare Centres

Infection can be spread through direct physical contact between people, airborne droplets from coughing and sneezing or from contact with surfaces and objects. Children in child care are constantly in contact with toys, furniture and floor and bench surfaces which poses a risk that children will be exposed to and spread infectious illnesses. While it […]


The Importance of Proper Cleaning in Aged-Care Facilities

Aged care facilities have a duty of care to ensure that the cleanliness and sanitation within their facility is maintained to the very highest of standards. Not only do proper cleaning practices and procedures reduce the risk of spreading infections and illness to the vulnerable elderly residents, it also helps to keep the staff who […]